by Vanessa Mooncie
ISBN: 9781784944582
Publisher: Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd
Publication Date: 07 November 2018
RRP: £14.99
Available direct from GMC Publications
I couldn't wait for this book to be released
and I wasn't disappointed.
If you crochet this is a book that you really have to purchase.
It would make a brilliant present for someone.
This book the most amazing realistic designs.
You don't need to be told which bird it is as it is so clear.
I have never seen crochet in such an amazing way.
I can't wait to make each of them.
I am starting with the dove but then
I am going to work my way each and every one of them.
Each of the designs are broken down into sections.
You work each section until you have each bird made.
Each of the patterns are in both written and graph format.
The patterns are really easy to follow
and at the start of each one are clear instructions
to help you to complete the project.
There are ten different birds to crochet:
Blackbird, Robin, Blue Tit, Wren, Budgerigar, Dove,
Cardinal, Swan, Barn Owl, Bald Eagle.
Available direct from GMC Publications

I received this book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.