by Daria Song
ISBN: 9780399579042
Publisher: Watson-Guptill Publications
Publication Date: November 2016
RRP: £9.99
Available Direct from GMC.
A story in itself.
I have never seen a colouring book like this.
It's amazing.
From the first point of opening the book
you know it's something different.
It really is special.
The book starts with a short story
about a little girls whose parents
have to be away for her birthday.
They have left her with a mountain of presents.
She decides that if she distributes them
to all the boys and girls of the world
then she might make some new friends.
The question is how will she do this.....??
This book takes the story and takes you
on a journey with the girl, her presents
and her pet cat.
You get to take the journey with them and
to colour it in to make it even more of
a special journey.
Once you have finished colouring it in you
get to keep this special story book.
It might not have words but the pictures
tell you the journey.
The pictures really are beautiful!
This is just so special.
It would make the perfect gift
for any age.
As soon as my father saw it he was even
taken with it and he doesn't even really
like colouring.
This is one colouring book
you'll really want to treasure.

I received this book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.
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