Good Morning Everyone!
I hope your week is going well!
I didn't know if I was going to post today.
All my WIP's are for Christmas presents
so I can't show them.
I have never been so scared off the world
as I am today.
I don't know what Trump getting
into power means but it scares me.
Red Monster is off ill with a stomach bug.
He isn't allowed back into school
for 48hrs after begin ill so he can't
go back till tomorrow.
The weather changing has really knocked
my CFS for six.
I have spent a number of days curled
up on the couch not being able
to do much!
Thank Goodness for Netflix.
I watched the Crown this week.
I have learnt so much!
It also fantastic to watch.

sorry you've not been well. I have heard good things about the Crown but I'm terrible at remembering to watch things on Amazon and Netflix!