ISBN: 9781590126592
Publisher: Annie's
Publication Date: 20 May 2016
RRP: £14.99
Available direct from Search Press.
This book is designed to be for any
level of crocheter
so you can find the perfect finish
for your projects.
The book inspires you to take
your projects to the next level
and make the finishing as important
as the making.
This is the kind of book you will turn
to time and time again.
There are some many different types
of finishes:
and other original designs
Straight away the book
breaks into different amazing edges.
The patterns are in written format
and are clear and easy to understand.
Where there are new techniques used
there are diagrams for you to follow.
I love the fact that there are so many
different styles that go with any
personality and any type of project.
Within the edging patterns there are
also patterns for projects that use
some of the edgings in the book.
There is the most amazing lacy lavender coat.
The coat really shows off the difference
an edging can make to a project.
Then there is a nature's garden pullover.
I love the butterflies the are around
the edges of the pullover.
The knit-look dishcloth is practical
yet beautiful.
I'll be making these as presents for Christmas.
The there is a beaded wrap
that shows off what you can do with
beads and crochet.
The spike stitch afghan is amazing.
The use of the different stitches and edge
make the most beautiful afghan.
Then it's onto the fringes and
a beautiful scarf which really does
show off what you can do with a fringe.
The twisted stitch rope purse
really does show off the points edges.
It's such fun and very practical.
It's a nice small size that will still
fit in all the essentials.
The pretty in pink baby blanket
is so cute and uses the ruffles to make the
most beautiful baby blanket.
It really is super girlie and super fun.
With so many edges - 140+
this is one book that you will use time and again.
Available direct from Search Press.

I received this book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.
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Thanks Sue