ISBN: 9781617452550
Publisher: C & T Publishing
Publication Date: 21 April 2016
RRP: £9.99
Available direct from Search Press.
I love this series of books from C & T Publishing.
They bring together different designers
and create some amazing projects.
I love pincushions.
I collect them including ones I make
so this book is ideal for me.
Each of the designers create their
own look of project and fill it with
their own personality.
Using sewing, embroidery and different
designs the projects are all different.
The pincushions are great fun and the
only problem you may have is choosing
which one to make first.
The patterns have full instructions
including diagrams to help
you put the pieces together.
All the patterns are held in the back
of the book and are of a full size.
I personally will copy from the book,
just to use to create the projects.
I'll be making quite a few if not
all of the designs.
All the designs are great fun
and make fantastic pincushions.
Available direct from Search Press.

I received this book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.
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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue