By Dot Drake
ISBN: 9781573677738
Publisher: Annie's
Publication Date: 01 June 2015
RRP: £5.99
Available Direct from Search Press.
Annie's have brought together 4 different designs
that can all be made within 4 hours.
The patterns are suitable for intermediate
level crocheters and use a size 3 cotton yarn.
They all use the 3.5mm (E) hook and are
guided as an easy crochet pattern.
All the of the patterns are in written terms
and the colours can be altered to match
any decor.
At the beginning of each pattern there are notes
to help you and directions on any special stitches.
The instructions are clear and easy to understand.
If of the designs has it's own twist to give it a
unique look.
A couple have more of a traditional look
to them whereas the other two are more modern.
If you wanted to try making doilies then these
projects will be ideal.
They give you a quick fix and are ideal to make
as gifts for family and friends.
I received this book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.
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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue