The New Handmade -
Simple Sewing for Contemporary Style
ISBN: 9781564778772
Publisher: Martingale
Published Date: November 11th, 2008
RRP: £19.99
Photography by: Martingale, and their Photographer Brent Kane
As Cassie says "The New Handmade is an appreciation
for the unique object, for every individual's creativity,
and for the process of creating".

As you know I am currently learning to use a sewing machine.
As part of this process I am on the lookout for good books
to show me how to make things and help me on my way.

Cassie says in this book that today instead of making things because of cost
we now make things you are making and recognize the value of the process.
That is one of the reasons I've started to make things.

It is immensely satisfying to make something yourself and to
share that process and love you have put into an item
is even more special.

The whole perception of Cassie's book is it is meant to be fun.
She advocates using a seam ripper but then
also says some mistakes can just be a variation of the pattern.
She doesn't want it to be a stressful perfection project but
fun and interesting.

Do you know just looking through this book
I started getting excited about sewing.
I've only made a quick small project previously
but I am already imagining what I am going to make next.

Cassie's has a fantastic way of making the instruction easy to follow
and understand. She gives you tons of instructional diagrams.
It makes it so easy to follow and along with the written instructions.

I can't explain enough about the clear instructions you get in this book.
Even the turning out of the fabric once you've sewn it is explained.

The brilliant thing is all the projects have excited me.
There are so many fantastic ideas.
I'm putting me making list together and I'm
going to be making my way to the fabric mill as soon as possible.

I've also got loads of ideas for different looks and fabrics I want to use.
There are so many different looks you can put together just
by altering the fabric slightly.

The projects are all useful yet beautiful enough to make as gifts.
You can also alter the sizes if you need to, to make them
more practical for your needs.

I've already put together some ideas for the items for the kitchen.
There is a brilliant fabric that would look wonderful as a set
for my mums kitchen.
I'm sure she'd love a handmade gift.
I think it's so much more special when you have put effort
and love into something handmade.

Even if you are an experienced sewer I am sure there
will be even of a variety of projects to keep you busy.
I am in love with this book and can't
wait to try making most if not all the projects.
I received a copy of the ebook to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were received in return for this review.
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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue