Nicky Epstein's ~ Signature #Scarves ~ Dazzling Designs to #Knit ~#Book #Review

Signature Scarves
by Nicky Epstein
ISBN13: 9781933027340
Published by: Nicky Epstein
Publication Date: 7 Feb 2014
Price: £17.99
One word I think summarizes this book:
Nicky has used her experiences and knowledge of styles
from all round the world to put together
a unique and amazing array of scarves to knit.
Nicky uses all kinds of material, colours, techniques & styles
to give you a huge choice of scarves.
The patterns range from very easy to experienced
so there is a pattern for every level of knitter.
Each pattern is in written format but where required charts are also included.
Everything from coloured charts to knit stitch charts.
Each pattern includes everything you need to know:
Materials required
skill level
finishing techniques.
At the back of the book Nicky also includes different ways
of how to tie a scarf,
different edgings you can use (including the patterns),
Techniques used (including pictures and instructions for single cast-on,
provisional cast-on & cable cast-on),
Embroidery stitches used with instructions & simple fringe instructions.
There are thirty three different designs to choose from.
Each has a unique look with a unique twist.
Not all are to my taste but with such a vast array the are quite a few
that I would love.
With all the different looks you are bound to find
something that matches any outfit or event.
I just can't believe how each scarf doesn't look like any of the others.
Nicky really steps out of the normal boundaries
to give you unique and interesting styles
Nicky uses many different techniques:
felting, fair isle, florals & embellishments,
as well as simple stitch patterns.
So if you are looking to add to your style
and looking for something you won't find in the shops,
then this is a fantastic book.
This book is also fantastic for practising different
techniques and stitches.
So what are you waiting for?
I received a free copy of the book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were received in return for this review.
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