A Heritage of Colour
by Jenny Dean
Publication: 03 February 2014
ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782210368
RRP Price: £12.99
I was so excited about this book and it didn't let me down!
Jenny uses her vast amount of knowledge to show
you what can be achieved using dyes harvested locally or grown
in the garden.
She also uses minimal manufactured chemicals so you can
have a more natural dye.
Jenny talks you through her journey getting to know all about
natural dyes and dying methods to how to gather & dry dyestuffs.
She talks you through everything from extracting the colour
to use to dye with, different dying methods and techniques.
She also talks you through fabrics and different yarns.
She even helps you with information of how to
grow different plants in your own garden.
I am going to my first Spinning course later on this month
and this book will be helping me on my way to
creating my own yarn.
I can't even describe how much information there is in this book.
It's in a really handy handheld size that will
be perfect for using "in the field".
If you are interested in dying and want to look
at more natural methods then this is a fantastic book!
Once I've spun my first skein (fingers crossed)
I'm going to be using this book to dye it.
I'll do an update post showing you how I get on.
I received a copy of the book for free to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were received in return for this review.
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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue