The Winner of Lisa's Heirloom Designs Giveaway is:
Mel's Daisy Patch is having a Chain "Linky" Climb

She is also taking part in a fantastic giveaway
A quick update:
If I haven't replied to any emails yet don't worry I will in the coming days.
We've actually had a sunny bank holiday weekend
and it's sunny today!!!
I'm going to spend sometime with the sunshine whilst it's here :-).
The rain and cold is back to tomorrow :-(.
It's been so nice having some sun.
Hubby has started the garden tidy up after winter.
Little Red enjoyed helping his dad and being able to play out.
I received a beautiful box with a book about the crisps, packet of crisps & a monkey.
It was beautifully put together!
The Roast Beef flavour is a bit like the monster munch flavour and so is the consistency.
They were really nice and I will be buying them again.
You can't tell it's wholegrain so it's a fantastic way to get
that all important fibre into your children without them knowing.
Little Red also loved the monkey that came with the crisps
and took him to bed with him :-)
Hope you're all having a good day!

She is also taking part in a fantastic giveaway
A quick update:
If I haven't replied to any emails yet don't worry I will in the coming days.
We've actually had a sunny bank holiday weekend
and it's sunny today!!!
I'm going to spend sometime with the sunshine whilst it's here :-).
The rain and cold is back to tomorrow :-(.
It's been so nice having some sun.
Hubby has started the garden tidy up after winter.
Little Red enjoyed helping his dad and being able to play out.
Excuse the mess in the background.
There is still a lot of sorting and cleaning to do after a year and half of winter.
I had a really nice surprise this week.
I was chosen to try out the new Walkers Hoops & Crosses.
I received this fantastic parcel in the post.
I received a beautiful box with a book about the crisps, packet of crisps & a monkey.
It was beautifully put together!
The Roast Beef flavour is a bit like the monster munch flavour and so is the consistency.
They were really nice and I will be buying them again.
You can't tell it's wholegrain so it's a fantastic way to get
that all important fibre into your children without them knowing.
Little Red also loved the monkey that came with the crisps
and took him to bed with him :-)
Hope you're all having a good day!
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Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue