I was kindly award the Liebster Blog award
by Jei Crochet
11 Random Facts
- I was born in Johannesburg
- I used to be an Account & Admin Manager
- I have a dog called Benji who is a Beagle
- I am the eldest child and have a younger brother
- I get travel sick
- I'm a gadget addict as well as a crochet addict
- I've been married for nearly 9 years
- I have one son who is 6 1/2 years old
- I used to breed guppies
- I rescued a rabbit (called nelson) and he hated me. I could never hold him :-(
- The only time I get hold of the tv control is when both hubby and son are out.
- What is your favourite clothing when at home - tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and cardigan - I know I make a big effort.
- What is your greatest fear - dying and not being here for my son
- What is your favourite dish - crispy duck pancakes.
- What is your pet peeve - seeing people driving whilst using mobile phones
- What is your dream vacation - Disney world with my son and hubby (and granny & grandad)
- How did you meet the love of your life - in a pub whilst I was dating someone else.
- boxer or brief - brief
- do you have a pet - one dog, Benji & 5 fish
- do you consider yourself beautiful - not on the outside but yes on the inside
- do you exercise - no I have chronic fatigue syndrome
- Why are you blogging - to share my life, loves and crochet
Questions for the people I nominate:
- What was the favorite thing you did this week?
- What is your favorite tv program?
- What is your favorite type of book?
- If you could ask anyone anything, who would it be and what would you ask?
- What is your favorite pet?
- What is your favorite craft?
- What is the thing you are most proud of?
- Where are you from?
- If you could do anything (no matter cost etc) what would it be?
- Do you have a phobia?
- Are you a morning or evening person?
- http://melsdaisypatch.blogspot.com/
- http://storybookfelts.blogspot.com/
- http://woollytoons.blogspot.com/
- http://fellowshipbydesign.blogspot.com/
- http://crochethappy.com/wp/
- http://wonderwhyalpacafarm.blogspot.com/
- http://www.townsend-house.com/
- http://www.stonecottageadventures.com/
- http://rosescrafts.blogspot.com/
- http://oursimplegreenlife.blogspot.com/
- http://knotbygranmablog.blogspot.com/
Post 11 random facts about yourself
Answer 11 facts from nominator
visit the 10 other blogs that were nominated with you
nominate 11 other blogs
let you nominees know
Oh, my word! What an honor! Thank you very much! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
DeleteYou are more than welcome, I love your blog and you deserve it :-)
Thank you Sue, for nominating me to be part of the Liebster Award! I think this will be my motivation to start posting on my blog again! It really is fun to see the answers to random questions and also find new blogs to read :) Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteHope it does. I really enjoy reading about what you are up to. I know when I read your last post (I know it was a while ago) I loved reading about your generosity!
DeleteMy first ever award! Thank you for the nomination. Now I'll have to think of how I'm going to answer all those questions and who to pass this on to.
ReplyDeleteYou are more than welcome, you more than deserve it!