You have really touched my heart!
I'm still not out of the woods yet
but I'm able to inflate my lungs now
and able to get a couple of hours sleep at a time.
Something I thought of whilst I was ill was the things
that I automatically do as a mum with a disability.
I thought I'd give you a few of my hints and tips
if you are a mum that gets sick.
Now mums aren't meant to get sick so when you do it can have
a HUGE affect on the household.
The big things that can help:
- A couch you can lie and sleep on around the children. (just being near them can have an affect on what they do or don't do)
- Paints and messy toys out of reach - if they can't reach them then hopefully it will be only toys they'll be playing with.
- Food in easy reach for children to get themselves. Little Red has a cupboard at bottom with crisps, cereal, some chocolate. In the fridge on the bottom shelf is yoghurt, cheese and other easy things. Also fruit in easy reach on the table.
- Drinks that don't need pouring. Mini plastic bottles of drink are brilliant or fruit drinks
- Lots of stacks of films & children's programs
- Have everything to hand that you will need:
- Drinks - get a jug of juice if it means it's close to hand
- Any medication or tissues etc (I also have a bucket), close enough for you but out of reach of children.

- Phone at hand
- Keep a shopping list on hand. Every time you need something add it to the list. If you can't go shopping you have at least got a list at hand if someone else can go for you. Also have an emergency fund to pay for it.
- Ask for Help! Try and get a support network. Even if it's only one person who will take your children to school for you. It makes such a difference.
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I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue