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Wednesday 27 February 2013

What You Doing Wednesday Week 48

Good morning everyone!
Hope your week is going well.

Mine isn't going to plan.
Last Wednesday I started feeling a bit off.
By Friday I found out I had another lung infection.
This time it's in my right lung.
I also have an ear, throat and chest infection
so it's a bit tough at the moment.
I spent the whole weekend on the couch as I struggled 
to walk through lack of oxygen.
Thankfully I'm a bit better.
Still rattling but I can walk from one room to another.
Not much further but each improvement is a plus.

Now to the what I'm making.
I can't wait till Friday!
I'm struggling to sleep and haven't moved much
so I've been crocheting!
I wasn't quite up to designing myself
so I decided to make things from other peoples patterns.

The one thing I did design and isn't quite finished is:
My Spring/Easter Hat.
Yes I know it does look finished 
but I want to put a big daisy at the front where it folds up.
There yellow is actually brighter - more like buttercream.
We have no natural light at the moment so photos aren't brilliant.

I decided to take a look at all the hats I had 
made up as plain hats that need making
into different themes.

Each one is in my head and I know what I want to make.
I just need to get better so I can design them.

I'm so excited for Friday!

This weeks Books:

Dracula by Bram Stoker

This is another free audio book from booksShouldBeFree
I never realised that although I have watched films
and read other Dracula books but not the original classic.
I'm up to chapter 10 and really enjoying it.



I've only just started reading it
so I'll let you know more probably next week.

Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.

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  1. Thank you for hosting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Marci, you are more than welcome. Thank you for joining in. Sue


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue