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Wednesday 6 February 2013

What You Doing Wednesday Week 45

Good morning everyone!
Hope your week is going well.

We had hail, snow, sleet and then rain yesterday.
A real mixed bag.

The other night we lost the electricity.
It was actually really nice.
The silence was bliss.
Luckily we had loads of candles and some torches.
I also have my lite hook which came in very handy.
 We got the fire going
 put out the candles
 I got my Lite hook out
Little Red did some colouring.

We then all got together by candle light and played some board games.
It was a really nice evening.
I was a bit upset when the electricity came back on.

Now as you may have guessed
my WIPs for the week
are Penguins.
All the tops of heads (35)
All the faces (35)
All the beaks (35)
All the feet (70)
All the wings (70)
And 11 bodies so far.
I so want them to be finished.
I'm only able to do them for a while and then have to have a break.

The other Penguin is the one they give to the good
kids to take home from school.

We've been having "issues" with their reward system.
Everyone starts everyday on green.
If you are naughty you go on orange (warning)
and if you are naughty again or severe enough you go on red.
There is also a Gold award - for star pupils
There is also a toy (otto the Penguin) that if someone
has done really well that day they get to take him home.
As you can imagine it's a big deal to get either 
gold or Otto.
Now Ryan is an average student
isn't really naughty 
and doesn't excel like others
so he gets green.
At the end of the week they do get a little green sticker.
The problem we have is he doesn't get noticed
for anything else.
Monday night he was in tears saying he didn't 
deserve anything because he isn't
good enough.
Nothing he does is good enough.
He'd spent 2 1/2 hours working 
on his penguin book and doing homework on Sunday.
Did extra work he wasn't asked for and still nothing.
I had a word with his teacher and luckily
she sent Otto home.
It's a shame because I would like him
to get it without me saying anything.
He is really happy at the moment so it's a good day.

So apart from the Penguins I haven't had chance for anything else.

I started my first audio book today.
I'm listening to the Sherlock Holmes collection.
I downloaded it from
fantastic site!
I think I'm going to make my way through all the classics.

I'm still reading my other books
so I'll review them when I have finished them.

Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.

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  1. Penguins! I think the little Penguins are adorable!

  2. What cute penguins! Thank you for hosting this fun party! I am hosting a blog hop today and would love for you to join us! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Your penguins are looking really cute.

  4. Those are adorable. Sounds like you made the best of a not so good situation without electric and all. Good for you. We've had snow everyday and I'm getting really tired of it. How long til spring?

    leaving your the url, since you only have the generic google signature thingy.

  5. The penguins looks adorable. I hope you can get Otto home more often.

    Here's my WIP:

  6. You are so creative with crocheting!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I am now following and look forward to your next post!!

    Take care,

  7. I'm glad you all like the penguins. I'm having a break for the weekend and then I'll try and get them finished at the start of next week. I'll hopefully have them finished for Friday and a few other things to show you as well :-)
    thank you for joining in and your wonderful comments.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue