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Friday 11 January 2013

I've Made Friday Week 42

I'm afraid I haven't got anything finished
for today.
They are nearly there but not quite so you'll have to wait till next week.

I've got a few things to get your opinions on.

The first is Crochet & Pinterest.
Crochet Concupiscence has set a challenge.
It got me thinking.
I didn't understand why crochet wasn't at the top 
of Pinterest pins.
So I've got an idea. 
I've set-up a board on pinterest called my top favourite crochet patterns.
If you are not on Pinterest email me and I will send you an invite.
If you are already on Pinterest just let me know your user name.
I'll add you so you can add your pins.
If everyone pins their favorite patterns and you repin the ones you like.
We can hopefully get crochet to be a number one on Pinterest.
Make sure you put #Crochet in the description.
This is the board:

Now I might not have any finished projects to show you
but I can show you the yarn that arrived yesterday:
The yarn is from deramores.
I bought a colour pack
as it was on special.

Now the other discussion is copyright.
So far I haven't found any of my patterns duplicated
but I have been told about this site that
puts copies of peoples patterns on it.
People can download the patterns for "Gold Coins".
If you are a crochet designer please check none of your patterns are on this site:

If you ever come across anyone else selling or listing my patterns
can you please let me know.
One crocheting blogger has had her whole blog copied.
It's really upsetting as when I sold my patterns I didn't even
cover the cost of yarn.
If someone else is giving your patterns away there is no way you will be ever
able to cover costs.

I'm afraid I haven'r read any books this week.
I'll hopefully get one started next week.

Now if you've been making
please feel free to link up:

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I am also linking up with:



  1. I'm afraid I have heard about that site as well. It's aweful!

    TracyAnn from and

    1. Hopefully some of the designers that are on the site can get it shut down. The smaller ones are contacting paypal etc as it's against their rules. Some of the larger ones are trying to get it shut down by their legal departments. hopefully the 2 pronged effect might work!

  2. I love all of the beautiful colored yarns. Don't worry. I find trying to finish a project a week totally takes the fun out of Fiber Arts.

    1. I know what you mean. I'm making a lot of things for other people that I wouldn't normally make. It's put a lot of pressure on me and it's not as fun! Hopefully once these are out the way I can get back to the crochet designing which I love and just seems to roll off my hands :-). It is difficult at times getting something made each week but it is nice when you've got something to show.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue