I would like to say a huge welcome
to Mary
from Mary Jo Colwell
Thanks for the invitation to guest
blog! This is something new for me.
The pattern that caught Sue’s eye is:
This pattern evolved from a challenge made by
my church
at Thanksgiving 2010 (late November holiday in the US).
We did not know what we were volunteering to
do… until it was too late!
After the
pastor spoke about the Parable of the Talents
he asked for some volunteers to come up and share their thoughts about the
It’s a story about a man who
gives three of his servants some money (talents)
and asks them to go use the
money well.
Two of the three servants
doubled their money and were able to return more than they were given.
The third servant buried his money in hole.
He did not return more money, but he did not
lose any either.
The man scolded the
third servant and praised the other two,
giving them better jobs and more
The story is about using the gifts we are given.
After sharing, we were grouped into
They gave each team a crisp new
$100 bill and asked us to take that money
and see what we could do with it by
next Thanksgiving.
My partner, Susan (a different Susan), and I are both fiber
This was a natural direction
for our fund raising efforts.
I wrote
both a crochet and knitting versions of the Rose of Sharing and published it,
for sale, on Ravelry.com. (pattern is now free)
We printed the pattern and sold hard copies.
We also pulled out hook, needles, beads and
yarn and went into production and sold finished items too. When all was said and done, we raised over
$500 in sales and were able to purchase a Knitter’s Gift Basket through Heifer
International (https://secure1.heifer.org/gift-catalog/knitters-gift-basket.html).
My current crochet obsession is
Pineapples! It started with the need for
a little thank you gift for an American Revolutionary War re-enactor who helped
my daughter with a school report.
Pineapples are a traditional symbol of hospitality and are heavily
featured in Colonial décor and Christmas decorations (http://www.history.org/almanack/life/christmas/dec_pineapple.cfm).
I’m still learning the basics of the
structure and having fun with patterns written by others.
I am HedgehogMJ on Ravelry.
I don’t actually remember learning to crochet;
I have memories of car rides where I made miles long finger chains and
crocheting purses and such for stuffed animals and Barbie.
I took up knitting in 2007 and found these
crafts to be very complimentary.
I also
tat, when I need to travel with something very small.
I live in Southern California with my
husband, two daughters, cat and dog.
Thank you ever so much Mary
for your fantastic post!
I hope you'll all join my in thanking Mary for
her post and please go and visit her on Ravelry
and download her fantatic patterns.
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I hope you enjoy the blog http://www.crochetaddictuk.com!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue