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Wednesday 10 October 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 29

I hope you are all having a good week!

I went for my yearly flu jab on Saturday.
Whilst I was there they decided that
I could have the pneumonia jab as well.
So I had the flu in my left arm and pneumonia in my right arm.
Be warned if you have either you can get muscle pain with them.
The pneumonia one is really really hurting!
The good thing is it's a one off for life!

I have made an investment this week.
I have bought 2 baby dolls to show off my hats.
I don't make enough hats for babies
and I would like to make some cocoons as well.
I did a lot of research and you can spend a fortune
on more life like ones but I don't have that much money.
So I managed to get 2 for less than the price
of the lowest priced reborns.

Girl asleep

Boy awake

I don't think there too bad.
The girl is 18" and has a cloth body real looking nails and skin.
The boy is 14" and is a "full" boy.
I haven't got the links for the ones I bought 
as the boy one is now out of stock and the girl is one I bought off ebay.
If you are from the uk the girl one is from the shop: cottagesale
The boy was off Amazon and I have found
some similar ones:


As you can see they are a really good price and they 
are anatomically correct.
As I haven't paid quite as much I won't be as
worried if Little Red decides to play with them.
I can't wait to make some outfits for them :-)
Little Red loves the boy with the eyes open.
It's just the right size for him.

This week I'm making:
A Nail
I'm designing this pattern for my fantastic pattern tester
She wanted a nail pattern for the Christmas tree.
It's for the following poem:

It's Christmas time at our house and we're putting up the tree.
I wish I could find some simple way to remember Christ's gift to me.
Some little sign or symbol to show friends stopping by,
The little babe was born one day but He really came to die.
Some symbol of His nail-pierced hands, the blood He shed for you and me.
What if I hung a simple nail on my shining Christmas tree?
A crimson bow tied round the nail as His blood flowed down so free,
To save each person from their sin and redeem us for eternity.
I know it was His love for us that held Him to the tree,
But when I see this simple nail I know He died for me.

I am hoping to give you all the pattern free
at the beginning of December.
so you can all have a nail on your tree.

A scarecrow hat.
I'm cheating a little as this ones already finished
but I wanted to give you a sneek peak.

This is going to hopefully be
an evil moon hat

This is hopefully going to be
a toffee\caramel\chocolate apple hat

This week I'm still reading:


You'll be glad to hear I should be finished with the book soon.
I am really enjoying the story.
It's a good mix between paranomal, reality and murder detective story!
It has so much in it for so many different readers.

Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.

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  1. I love the color you are doing the moon! Its going to be another great creation. Did you make the baby sweaters, the are pretty. Those dolls look so real! And they are good babies, they don't cry or mess up their diapers. I'm working on a hat. Getting on the down side. I love the down sides that means I can soon start something new. Keep creating we love your ideas!

    1. Thanks ever so much. The doll came with the sweater. They are fantastic babies, all quiet, don't cost a lot and don't make any mess. OOhh I love making hats :-). What are you going to make next?

  2. I keep thinking that I need to get a couple of baby sized dolls to use as models for the baby clothes I make. I might have to look into these ones.

    I like the poem. Is there any copyright on that one or can anybody use it?

    1. They are fantastic. My son took the little boy to show his friends at school. I was walking home with it and one mum was about to get upset at me having such a small baby hardly dressed. Then she realised it wasn't real. It was so funny. I'm hoping I can make a bit more professional photos for my baby hats. I've got a polystyrene head for my older patterns but the baby hats were just not showing themselves off enough. It also means I can design them so they look better when being worn.

  3. Good morning, Sue! What beautiful little models you found! I think they are perfect! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Thank you ever so much! I can't wait to make them some outfits :-)

  4. What cute babies! Love all of your projects.

  5. The baby dolls are so cute! :-)

    1. I'm noticing more and more about them! I just can't wait to find the perfect outfits to make for them :-)

  6. You're so creative. Had to laugh when I saw your scarecrow hat...looking forward to seeing your others as well.

    1. Thanks, I just hope I get them finished, I got a bit sidetracked.

  7. Cute baby dolls, our granddaughther would love them. I"ve got lots of projects on the go this week, perfect for the wet, chilly weather we are having today.

    1. My friends daughter has already asked if she can have one of the little boys. Crafting is really good for wet chilly days, hope you are having lots of fun.

  8. This is going to be a great week for LINKING!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue