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Friday 26 October 2012

I've Made Friday Week 32

Wow I can't believe it's the last Friday of the month already!

My brothers wedding is nearly here!
I'm in the middle of making Little Red's Thor hat.
He wants to wear it to the wedding.
I have said he can't wear it in church or when they are
taking the photo's.
Hopefully it will keep him happy and occupied at all
the boring bits.
He is going to be an usher with his dad.
We went for his suit fitting last weekend but it didn't fit.
The shirt was way too small and the trousers were 3 inches too long.

Not a very good picture but you get the idea :-)
Our present to Uncle Al and Auntie Ali
arrived the other day but you'll
have to wait till after the wedding to see it.

I've got a question for you today.
Which do you prefer to do for Christmas:
A) Ask a person for a list of presents they want
B) Get them a surprise
In my family we have always been asked what we want for Christmas.
The reasons behind this is that you always get something you want.
It also means people aren't wasting money on things that aren't really wanted.
We usually get a little surprise as well but this doesn't cost as much
so money isn't wasted.
To me there are problems with option B. 
It means the person buying the present has to decide what you want.
Coming up with ideas can be difficult (especially for the older generations).
I also hate money being wasted on things the person might not like.
I have had lots of presents in the past that are bought
to the persons taste that is buying them.
The big problem with this is it just isn't me.
I keep these presents for 2 years and then usually sell them
or give them to charity.
This year I really want something but it's a bit 
expensive for one person to buy.
I asked if people could give me the money instead
as I would put it to what I really wanted.
Some people didn't appreciate this request
and I think they saw it as an insult.
I wouldn't even care if they only gave me £1 as a present
because that way it would go to something I really wanted.
I know Christmas is all about the giving and not the receiving.
It's easy with my family as we all ask each other
and if it's something more expensive than one person can afford
we all chip in together and get the person what they want.

Now on a different note here is what I've been making this week:
This is a little felted mushroom I made.
It's the bottle that my lenses came in.
As soon as I saw the bottle I knew it would be perfect.
I've got one more bottle so I need
to come up with another idea.

I made a new dress for Lydia.
Isn't it just so pretty.

I loved the stitches they used.
I bought the pattern from a fantastic designer on Etsy.
This is the picture of their dress
Adorable Amber Dress Crochet Pattern Sizes Newborn, 0-3, 3, 6-9 12 Months
I bought 4 of their patterns so you'll be seeing more of their work.
The pattern was really easy to follow.
Had clear directions and fantastic pictures all the way through the pattern.
I think I'm going to make a pink cardigan 
to go with the dress (also their design)

I have also finished the Evil Moon Hat
These are the flowers that I made to wear for my brother wedding:
The first one is made from the free Croco-flower by Bonita Patterns

The second one is the free pattern Dewdrop pin from Alla Koval Designs

The last one is slightly altered from the orginal pattern.
I did round 1-3 as per the pattern but then changed to black
& just did a hdc around. 
The free orginal pattern is for a peony brooch
This is the brooch I have decided I'll wear for the wedding.
I think it will go well with my black and white outfit.

This week I've been reading:


Now this book isn't what I expected.
The basis of the story is the main character
Allie St Clair's who has just started her 

her new job new job as Detective Chief Inspector.
Now all this sounds like a normal story but that soon changes.
Murders start happening in the MET 
and they are far from normal.
The serial killer is possessed and her and the Archangel Michael
need to stop him and save the world from evil.
As you can guess this is a fantastic mix
of a murder thriller & the paranormal.
It has mixed really well and you can
believe what is going on even though it's
so unbeliavable. 
The murder scenes are very discriptive so be warned
but it adds to the paranormal of the book.
All the way through you know who the killer
is, or do you?
Is it just one or are there more?
You'll have to read the book to find out.
I give this book 4 out 5

Don't forget about my Sale.
10% sale off my ravelry crochet pattern store.
Use the code Fall

My dear friend Melissa
is also having a sale & a giveaway!

please go over to her blog and see her fantastic patterns
and join in the giveaway!

Now it's your turn
It doesn't have to be crocheting
anything you've made is more than welcome!

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  1. oooh, the Thor had would be perfect at the wedding! Love all of your new creations.

    1. Thanks ever so much! Don't know how the hat will go down with the bride :-)

  2. He is such a doll!! Look at that face!!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue