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Wednesday 1 August 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 19

I hope your week is going well!
This week has been hectic

Little Red had another bout of Stomach Migraine
so I've been concentrating on looking after him.
There was no change in his diet so
we haven't been able to find out
what sets them off yet.

Then the dog fell ill.
It's 2am Wednesday morning as I am typing this.
The dog has been throwing up all night.
I tried locking him outside but he banged on the door and wouldn't stop.
I can't sleep as everytime I do
he sneaks back on the couch and I am woken up by the noise
and then having to clean up the mess.
I don't what has caused it but with the stupid things he eats I am a bit worried.
I really hope he stops being sick
I really need some sleep as I'm not very well myself.

I'm afraid with everything going on
there won't be any posts this Saturday & Sunday.
I will hopefully be back on track once
Number One Son & Dog are better
Oh yeah and I feel a bit more normal.

Little Red loved going to Legoland for his birthday
& he loved having 4 of his friends round
for a Pizza Party.
I made the dough in the bread oven
& then they made the pizza's up themselves.
I would love to show you some pictures of the pizza's
but I couldn't find the camera tut tut tut.

Here is little Red waiting for Legoland to open.

I've got some good news this week.......
The cream hat is finished!
I might show you a sneak peak tomorrow :-)

I haven't got much on the go or maybe I have.
I have 3 white hats ready to make
into 3 different animals
I won't be able to get the finished by Friday
so I am afraid you'll have to wait
in suspense for another week.

My blankets haven't come along any further.
I think they will probably be put on hold
until Little Red is back in school in September.
I can't believe it's August already!

I'm still reading the Harry Potter book (Deathly Hallows)
I'd forgotten how long
the book went on for.
I am really enjoying reading it again!
Knowing everything has made a difference to how
the book reads.

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Now what are you doing this week?
It doesn't have to be crochet 
link up anything that you are making.

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  1. Gosh, Susan, that sounds like some heavy days and nights for you! Good to read that your son and dog feel better. Don't work to hard!

    1. Not been fun but at least they are on the road to recovery. I'm resting nicely. Little Red, Benji & me are curled up on the couch watching a lego movie :-)

  2. :-( I hope little red and puppy dog are both feeling better soon. No fun having little wet noses nuzzling up to you when they're not doing it just outta love. :-)

    1. thank you very much. All on the road to recovery. It just might take up to 12 weeks for the dog to get rid of his cough. I really hope it doesn't last that long. The dog is still nuzzling up to me and following me everywhere. He is on a light diet and thinks if he follows me everywhere he might get more food!

  3. Thanks for hosting WIP, Susan. It brings me always more motivations and passions with Crochet! I wish everything goes well again with Little Red and your dog!

    1. I must admit WIP is what started me making something every week. I feel guilty if I'm not making something :-), also gives me an excuse when hubby asks ;-). Everyone is on the road to recovery. May take a lot longer for the dogs cough to go but after everything I'm not as worried about that.
      Thanks ever so much for joining in.

  4. Sorry about your hard days, I hope that your son and the dog will bet better soon and you will get some slee!
    Those white beanies are like clear palettes :)Can't wait to see what kind of animals will be!

    1. Thanks. They are on the mend now. The dog may take a lot longer to get rid of his cough but at least I don't need to worry about anything more serious now. Getting more sleep, only 4 or 5 coughing fits last night. Hubby looking after him tonight so a full nights sleep ahead of me. bet I'll be in bed by 7:30pm tonight.
      I haven't started them yet but am excited to get them made. I'm hoping to get started on them on Wednesday next week so should have them finished for the Friday.

  5. Gee whiz, Sue! What a crazy week! I hope both are feeling better soon and you get some much needed rest. Sending virtual hugs your way! (( SUE )) -Marci

    1. Marci,

      Thanks ever so much for the hugs. Everything getting better so hopefully the crazy week will turn into a relaxing weekend :-)


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue