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Saturday 25 August 2012

Guest Blogger Week 27 Tapestry Crochet

I would like to say a huge welcome
to Dr. Carol Ventura

·  Carol:
 I’m crocheting the bead tapestry crochet bag in the Crochet Master Class book at .

·  Can you give us a short bio about you:
 My father was in the Navy and he liked to travel, so I’ve lived in and been to lots of interesting places. I still enjoy travelling. I guess it’s in my blood. I became interested in tapestry crochet when I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala in the 1970’s. I’m interested in many different arts and crafts though time and around the world, which works out great since I teach art and craft history at the Tennessee Technological University.

·        How did you decide on the name for your blog? 
I enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story” on NPR about the background behind famous events. Since my blog is about different aspects of tapestry crochet, “Tapestry Crochet . . . the rest of the story” seemed appropriate.

·        How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
 I began blogging in 2007 and have posted over a hundred entries. From my first blog posting: “I was inspired to do my first web page at a Crochet Guild of America (CGOA) conference several years ago. I have since created around a hundred web pages about crafts around the world (which are linked to my home page). It was during Kim Werker‘s “How to Use the Web to Build Your Business” session on Professional Day at the recent CGOA Conference in New Hampshire that I decided to start a blog. When my hotel roommate, Karen Whooley, offered to get me started and Robert Chapman helped me put it online, there was no turning back. So here I go!”

·        Where do you get your inspiration from? 
I’m very attracted to repeat patterns on baskets and tiled surfaces and animal motifs found on different types of fabrics. I never copy a motif exactly, but tweak it to make it my own.

·        What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time? 
I don’t have much spare time, but I have a lot of favorite things. Most of my other interests require tools and space, but I can tapestry crochet at night while I’m watching TV – so I guess it’s my favorite.

·        What do you have on your blog at the moment that you would like to talk about? 
I travelled in June to Morocco and to the CGOA conference in New Hampshire, so several recent postings are related to what I found there.

·        What made you start to sell your items? 
I don’t sell my crocheted items, just books and patterns to encourage others to make their own pieces.

·        A couple your favourite items: 
Some of my pieces are at and and

·        What would be the one piece of advice would you give to a new blogger or a person setting up their own craft shop: 
For a new blogger, don’t worry about posting every day or even every week. No pressure!

·        Facebook
·        Yahoo Tapestry Crochet Group: 
·        Ravelry Tapestry Crochet group:
·        Web page:
·        Tapestry Crochet Blog: 
·        My home page: 

Thank you ever so much Carol!
Wow I'm off to visit all of your fantastic sites!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for helping me spread my excitement about tapestry crochet!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue