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Monday 27 August 2012

Changes Are Afoot!

I hope everyone who is having a bank holiday
today is having a good day.
All those who aren't I hope your still having a good day.

Well I've been going through a bit of a transformation on facebook.
I read a fantastic post by Mom With A Hook
about a facebook business called 
The Hat Factory.
If you want to read the post:

Since starting to crochet I've undergone a number of transformations.
I am now concentrating more on the design of patterns
rather than the selling of items.
That doesn't mean to say I want to stop making things for people.
Each time I design an item I still have the item
I've made.
This got me to the conclusion that I needed to 
split the businesses into two.

My SusanD Crochet Addict facebook business
is going to be for the selling of patterns.

& Now

My Crochet Hat Crazy facebook business
is going to be for the sale of the ready made items
& items made to order

Please pop over and take a look.
I will be having a giveaway 
of one of the ready made items within the next week
so keep an eye out.

I will then be having a pattern giveaway
within the next couple of weeks
so keep an eye out for that one as well.


  1. Congratulations on your new venture! :-)

    1. Thanks ever so much! I am hoping splitting them will give me a clearer guideline of what I am doing when and where.

  2. Exciting. Glad that Gloria could inspire you. When I read her newspaper article I knew I had to talk to her because so many bloggers want to sell their stuff.

    Her story is great and makes me want to sell again - almost. I think if I had regular income I would do it again but right now I just can't see myself buying supplies, shipping, and marketing for a business right now.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your great patterns.

    1. Sara, it was a fantastic interview and she is very inspiring. I would never be up to her standard but I just wanted a clear way for me to sell the things I make as well as the patterns. I won't be able to do it to Gloria's level but if I just sell some of the hats I make it will help me towards the supplies I need for designing.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue