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Wednesday 18 July 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 17

Wow Middle of the week already!
Feels like I am blinking and missing time at the moment.
I hope you are all having a good week.
Sush there is a big secret in England at the moment ----
there maybe sunshine at the weekend.

Now this week has been a bit mixed.
Little Red caught a tummy bug at the weekend 
so he has been off school.
He seemed ok in himself so this week
has been about keeping him occupied and learning.
We are hoping to carry it on over the summer.
He has been working in his star books.
Creating a transformers comic
Making pirate themed things
such as a treasure map, coins & skeleton bag for his coins.
We've also made a mouse
and he made some things with Granny yesterday as well.

Benji the dog had to have his ears syringed yesterday.
It didn't go quite to plan as his skin decided to fall off
so they had to abandon it as his ear was bleeding.
He is on medication but I think once they have settled down
a bit I'll clean them with a salt water solution.
I slept on the couch with him last night as he was still in pain.

We've finished Little Reds Volcano so I'll hopefully post
some pictures on Friday.
He is taking it in to school today to show his friends.
I hope the teacher can fit it in.
He was meant to take it in yesterday but was off sick.

Anyway onto what I'm doing this week.
I'm making 2 hats at the moment.
I have a cream one with ear flaps
& a black beanie
I'm not going to give you any clues
so you'll just have to wait to see what they are when they are finished :-P

I have also been working on my
basket weave blanket
It's going to be big enough for our kind size bed so it's going

This week I am reading something different.
I watched Harry Potter Deathly Hallows 1 & 2
last week and I got confused about a few
things as I didn't remember them from the book.
It's been a few years since I read
the book so I decided to read it again.
I was right to read it again!
The book is so much better than the films
and I was right that there is a lot of differences
between the book and the film.
I may not get it finished this week
but I am really enjoying reading it again.
Are there any of the Potter books that you would like to read again!

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Now what are you doing this week?
It doesn't have to be crochet 
link up anything that you are making.

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  1. I'm very very excited about the sun this weekend - but shhhh! as it may shy away if we talk about it too much :-)
    Hope Benji get better and I'm looking forward to the finished mysterious hats!

    1. I hope you like the hats when you see them :-)
      I must admit I am soooooo excited about the thought of even a little bit of sun!

  2. I wish you a lot of sunshine! The blanket looks very cosy and warm. Nice pattern!

    1. Thank you ever so much! Even a little bit of sun would be better than what we've had lately.

  3. oooh a basket weave blanket, that looks gorgeous!!! and I love the ear flap hat, it's super cute. enjoying re-reading Harry Potter, I should do that, the books are fantastic. have a knitty wednesday xxx

    1. Thank you ever so much! It has actually been really good reading them again, it's been that long it's like reading it for the first time again.

  4. I like your basket weave pattern and I would love to see more of it. Thanks for hosting Susan!

    1. I'll hopefully have some more of the blanket finished soon, just depends on the weather. It isn't a good one to make when it's humid. You are more than welcome!

  5. Everything looks great! That basket weave blanket is going to be awesome!

  6. I love the basket weave!! I tried to make a basket weave baby blanket, but it didn't come out so well, so I ended up scrapping the project. For now at least.

    1. That's not good. i hope you have a go at another one!

  7. Oh my gosh, a KING SIZED blanket! I could never manage that! I can barely find the patience for a baby blanket :) Good for you!

    1. Thanks, I must admit it's only hitting me now that it is going to probably take me the rest of the year at least to finish it. I'm ok as long as I have quick projects to do as well. I like a nice easy pattern for the evenings.

  8. Susan, I finally finished my post. Linking up today with a pattern this time. Looks like you've been busy yet again. King size Basket weave - all those back and front posts would be killing my hands.

    1. Sara fantastic!! Yes I must admit I'm in a frenzy at the moment as I've got so many ideas in my head. I only work on the blanket in the evenings so I don't do too much at once.

  9. I felt quite the same way this week when I realized it was already Wednesday! Where has the time gone?!

    1. I don't know it's just gone in the blink of an eye!

  10. The hats look great...the basket weave looks amazing..haven't tried that yet! I can't imagine making one for a queen size bed! Hope all is well with Benji and Little Red's volcano!

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. I love basket weave. It's just a case of doing 4 stitches back post and then the next 4 stitches front post. It is really affective!

  11. Thank you so much! Must admit basket weave is one of my favorites :-)
    It's been that long since I read the Harry Potter books it's almost like reading them for the first time. It also puts a different perspective as you are reading it whilst knowing more.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue