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Wednesday 4 July 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 15

Happy 4th July to everyone!

I hope everyone is safe!
I've been reading on a lot of blogs from
America about the awful fires
you've been having!
I wish I could send you some of our rain!!!
We are the opposite and are all rained out.

This week is a bad week for my CFS :-(
I'm a bit worried as my left foot
is getting so painful I am struggling to walk.
The disability can throw anything at me
but it scares me when it means that
I can't function.

Enough of that positives for the week!
We have set our bird table up so
Little Red can reach it.
He now gets up every morning and fills
it with bird seed etc.
I got him a little book:

It is a fantastic little book!
The book has a page on each bird
which tells them all about them.
At the back of the book it has
a picture tick list of all the birds.
Little Red has ticked off the Black Bird
& the sparrow already!
He loves the fact he can sit
and watch his bird table from the conservatory
and tick the birds off himself.
The pictures are big so he can easily tell which bird is which
and the tick boxes are big as well.
Little hands don't make small ticks :-)

I think we need to practice in front of the mirror!
Everytime you say smile a funny face appears :-)

I am reading 
The Daughters of Dracula (The Stoker Sisters)
by Kailin Gow at the moment

So far it seems a really good book!
It's an 

Award-Winning Finalist in Women's Literature 2011 International Book Awards

I've only read about 14% of the book so far.
It's a period book
and so far we are just learning about the sisters
and their background.
I think we have been introduced to the Vampire
but we haven't been told about him yet.
I'll hopefully finish it soon and give
you the full low down.

I have a bit of a confession.
When I first started blogging
and entering giveaways
I started following hundreds of blogs.
I love reading them all but it got out of hand.
I now often have over 1000+
posts to read.
When I tried to remove some I found there
is a fault with google reader
You can't stop following any.
If you are a blog I follow I do read your posts
but due to the qty I just
can't comment often.
I'm sorry I'm not a better blogger
but I thought I would let you know why.

Now onto what I am making this week:
I've got some sad news :-(
I frogged my Tree of Life blanket.
I was thinking yesterday and realised
I needed a project that is repetitive
and not a complicated one.
Looking at the patterns I knew I would always have to be concentrating.
So on a positive note I have decided to make a basket weave blanket instead.
Yesterday I frogged and then started the new blanket
It doesn't look much yet but hopefully it will soon.

I am also making a Santa Hat
This is for my next collection of Patterns.
I'm planning on releasing a
Winter Wonderland
Pattern Selection.

I hope you are having a good week!
I hope everyone from America 
has a brilliant 4th July!

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Now what are you doing this week?
It doesn't have to be crochet 
link up anything that you are making.

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Come and take a look at what other people are making as well!


  1. Hello Susan,
    There are so many nice and good blogs and we would need 48 hours a day or more to just follow them and write comments. 1000 blogs seems impossible to me, don't be too harsh on yourself:)

  2. Thanks ever so much! I spent about 3 hours the other month removing some of them only to find that you can't. Seems google isn't interested in solving the problem.

  3. I am just figuring it all out...I've been dragged into this century finally (it is the only way i can figure out what my kids are talking about...) I appreciate every blog and all the work put into the links, patterns, etc... It doesn't matter wether you respond or not for me.

    After chemo, I developed severe lupus, so I can somewhat understand your symptoms, I have alot myself.

    Good luck, feel better..

    1. I must admit with computers and the internet as soon as you learn something you find something you don't know about.

      I just feel guilty sometimes as I want to interact more but I have to restrict what I do so I don't get worse.

      Not nice. to go through the the chemo and then to suffer from lupus afterwards. You've gone through so much. I get scared sometimes as I try and plan nothing just incase but with a 5yr old that wants to go to Legoland for his birthday what can you do.

      I hope you are going through a better stage at the moment. good luck


  4. So sad you frogged your blanket but I hope it's for the best :)

    1. I know I was gutted but I am really enjoying the basket weave so I should hopefully have more to show sooner :-)

  5. Hello Susan, finally got around to participating in one of your linkys. I really liked your penguin series so I know your winterland series will be fantastic. I'll be working on your pattern today while enjoying the nice sunshine outside with my family. Today is Independence day in the states so we will be having a BBQ.

    1. Thank you ever so much!!!! I hope you had a good day!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue