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Sunday 29 July 2012

Just me Waffling in the early morning hours

It's 5:30am in the morning.
I am awake as my poor dog has just had another fit.
It's such a shame because there is nothing you can do for him.
He doesn't have enough to get medicated
& there are that many side effects that it's better for him not to have them.
It was another 10 min fit so it's a long time to watch him having it.
We stroked him and tried to keep him calm.
I'm now downstairs with him.

He is recovering nicely 
& there are no long term side effects.

I am grateful today for having such a fantastic husband.
Whilst we were at Legoland he queued and went
on most of the rides with Little Red.
I kept having to find a bench and rest.
My mum and dad came and they also took him on some rides
and went with him whilst she played on the play areas.
Without my family supporting me I know I wouldn't cope as well with my CFS.

My husband drove us there and back.
3 hours there and about 5 1/2 hours back (accident on the motorway).
Then Friday and yesterday
he cleaned the house, did all the shopping for the party
built Little Red's new toys & new bike.
He also looked after Little Red whilst I had a few lie downs.
He is worth his weight in gold!

We are having 4 of Little Red's friends round 
to make pizza's.
He decided to go to Legoland instead
of having a normal birthday party.
I didn't want him to miss out so I came
up with the idea of a pizza party.
It won't be a big party but I think him and his friends will enjoy it.
It is also something that won't need me to move about a lot.

I'm behind on my emails etc at the moment
as this week has been focused on Little Red.
I promise that I will catch up on them
& I'm not ignoring you.

Anyway I've waffled enough
and I'm making another hat.
Little Red wants a cow hat.

A quick heads up 
keep watching over the next couple of days
as there is another free pattern coming up.

I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!


  1. You waffle on about your lovely husband all you want! I do the same thing on my blog from time to time. It's nice to see that "not all men are dogs"...according to the way men are usually talked about these days! LOL I think we got good ones!

    1. Thank you ever so much! I think we don't talk about the good ones enough because we don't want others to have them. We are very lucky to have a good one!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue