I hope you are all having a good weekend.
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there.
Unfortunately my hubby is having to work so not such a good fathers day for him
My dad is away so we won't get to see him till next week.
I've been very lucky this week!
I won an ebook of Cemetery Club
hosted by: http://www.jeanbooknerd.com
supplied by: http://www.jgfaherty.com/
Bookplate of Kiss of Night
hosted by: http://www.jeanbooknerd.com
supplied by: http://debbieviguie.com/

an ebook of Lili, the story of life
hosted by: http://abookaliciousstory.blogspot.co.uk
Smauel Bagby

an ebook of Charming Incantations
hosted by: http://www.readers-den.com
an ebook of absolute power
hosted by: http://book-spark.blogspot.co.uk

the Madly series including a signed book 2
and ebooks of the 1st and 3rd book in the series
hosted & supplied by: http://www.autumnreview.com

Pearl Mountain Collage It Software
hosted at: http://thesteadyhandblog.com
As you may have noticed I have already started to use this software.
It is very easy to use and I love the outcomes.
It's easy to export it as a jpeg so makes life really easy!
Now it's your chance to enter so giveaways I've found:
I have no affiliation with any of the giveaways.
These are just giveaways I've found.
If you would like to link to any
giveaways you are hosting or you have found
please feel free:
<img alt="Button" src="http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e171/susand1408/GiveawaySunday.jpg" /></a><center>
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Congratulations on your winnings!
Thank you ever so much!