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Wednesday 23 May 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 9

Good Morning everyone!

The Sun is shinning!

This is brilliant for people with CFS as
you feel a little better when it's sunny (as long as it isn't too hot)
Don't get me wrong you still suffer but life
is always a bit brighter when the sun shines.

We had a great weekend away.
We went to Center Parcs in Penrith in Cumbria (Whinfell)
We went with my Mother-in-Law & her husband.
You stay in little houses in the woods
& cars aren't allowed on site except to unpack your car
& and pack your car.
We went Friday-Monday.
They are quite expensive and if you want to join in a lot of sports it
would work out even more expensive.
The swimming is free and the center is fantastic.
I managed to go in the pool once but then my sinus's played up 
so Hubby, Little Red and Nana went on their own.
Little Red had a fantastic time!
Nana took him to watch Jack & the Bean Stalk.
Anyway enough of the waffle here are some pitcures


I'm afraid we haven't got any pictures of the wildlife as they were too quick.
They even have Red Squirrels in the forest.

I have made a few decisions for the time being about the blog as well.
Don't worry not a lot of changes.
I just think everyday is a bit much so I'm going to stop the Monday and Tuesday Post.
I'm still going to be doing Reviews and Patterns etc but I'm going to do them on other days instead.
I haven't worked out all the details yet but I think the Patterns will
probably be on a Friday with what I have made.
I will review books I've been reading on the Friday as well.
Anything else I want to review I will add to Sundays.
You will still be able to add your items on, just on a different day.
I hope you don't mind.
I know my blog has undergone a number of changes and I'm sorry to mess you about
but I want what is best for you the reader and to my health.

Anyway onto this weeks makes.
I've managed to finish one so that will have to wait till Friday.
Whilst I was away I decided to concentrate on 
my African Flower Blanket.
I decided to make 12 of each of the colour mixes
& then finish off all the ends.
I will then add the cream to each flower & attach them to the blanket.

I'll hopefully get them finished and added in the next week.

I'm reading 
Accidentally in love with a god by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
I've only just started it so I will give you more information on Friday.

Now it's your turn to join in:

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  1. I've always wanted to try an African Flower afghan! Maybe for the next baby blanket I make, i'll have to give it a try.

    1. Well worth it! There are some fantastic designs out there. I love the way you can choose so many verities of colours.

  2. Love all the pictures. Looks like little Red had a great time. Love the colors on your blanket. Can't wait to see it finished. Don't worry about the changes. You need to do what is right for you. We will all still be here reading and visiting.


    1. Thanks, he did have a great time! Thanks ever so much!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue