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Wednesday 30 May 2012

What you doing Wednesday Week 10 & Winners

I hope everyone is having a good week!

First of all I want to annouce the winners of Day 2 of the 7,000 fan giveaway:

Name Prize
Adele Ilovesushi Uyan Crochet Bath Set from Mammy Made
Soleil Choice of Pattern fron Sweet Crocheterie
 Joann Schirmacher Johnson-Grubb Choice of Pattern fron Sweet Crocheterie
Brenda Burkett Choice of Pattern fron Sweet Crocheterie
Brenda Burkett Mother 7 Child Glass Pendant from Glass Garden Designs
Rachel Shearer 4oz of spinning Fiber from Wonder Why Alpaca Farm
Adele Ilovesushi Uyan Personlized ebook from I'm In it
 Aprile Rueppel Mazey Personlized ebook from I'm In it
Soleil Personlized ebook from I'm In it
Soleil Pattern from Aesthetic Nests Shop
Brenda Burkett Pattern from Aesthetic Nests Shop
Brenda Burkett Blue & White Newborn Stocking Cap from Third Time's a Charm
Soleil 2 Patterns from Calleigh's Clips & Crochet Creations
Soleil 3 Pattern from Patterns by Faima 
MarieAnge Bag Pattern & cipy of "Egypt" single
Soleil Set of Rose draw knobs from Angel Heart Designs

Congratulations to all the winners
Thank you to all the suppliers of the prizes.

This week has been a bit strange.
It's been beautiful and sunny.
This has meant my fatigue hasn't been quite as bad.
This has been fantastic and has meant I managed to not take medication for 2 nights.
I thought it would mean my cfs would be more under control
but since the big crash everything isn't as expected.
The pain has been more intense which is strange but I'm managing to take my
mind off it and not take any medication.
It's all ups and downs with CFS and each day you have to learn to live
with something.
It's for a reason and I know that.
Having CFS has taught me so much about life already.

Anyway enough of that
this week I am reading 
The Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead
It's the last book in the series and
I'm really going to miss reading this series of books.


We had a really nice relaxing weekend.
We went to a local park to see my brother.
We were away when it was his birthday.
He has a really busy lifestyle so the only way we could
see him was to go and meet him where he was
a kayak instructor.
It was a beautiful day.

Now onto what I'm making:

There 12 of each set of colours made.
I'm going to add them to the blanket over the next couple of days :-)

I am nearly finished with my yarn bag:

I am not sure if this hat is finished or not.
The pattern I am following has a brim & a flower
but I am not sure if I don't like it just the way it is:

Now it's your turn.
What are you making this week?

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Also come and see what other people are making.



  1. I have heard of the Vampire Academy, but haven't read any of the books. I think I will put these on my request list from the library.

  2. Lots of duplicate winners! Somehow I think I missed what the contest was about, but it looks like some nice goodies there. Congrats to all. Cute pictures of the kiddo's having fun outside.

    Sweet little girl colors in your hex's, assume you're making an afghan?

    1. I know, that's the thing with random drawing. The giveaway was to celebrate my 1st year blogging and the face that my facebook crochet addict group reached 7,000 members.

      Yes I'm making a blanket for a rocking chair. It's a cream rocking chair so I wanted to keep the colours soft to go with it. With a 5 year old son I need something that can wash.

  3. we are so glad we came across ur lovely blog! welcome us as ur new followers! :)
    do visit us too, and follow back, if u like what u see ? :)
    the blog is a virtual birthday surprise for my bestie. will be glad if u could drop by your wishes for her :)

  4. Loving the start of your blanket. So soft and lovely!

  5. Lots of WIP's. I'm a little late in my blog reading, so I can't wait to see what you've been working on this week.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue