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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Tuesday's Patterns Week 8

Well I hope everyone from the UK had a fantastic Bank Holiday Weekend.
I hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend & a good start to the week.
I hope everyone that had Mothers Day on Sunday had a good one.

As you know this weekend my husband has
been working on the living room.
It looks fantastic but I'm
still going to keep you waiting till tomorrow for the pictures.

Little Red has caught a nasty cold.
Steamy hot showers before bed
& Karvol at night has been helping.
He'll be fine in a few days I hope.

This week I've got 2 patterns to review for you.
Well 3 if you count the spaceship & alien as separate patterns.
I only ended up making one alien but may make another one some where down the line.

Firstly is the Alien & Spaceship

Zaon the Alien & UFO Space Ship

Free Ravelry download:

I used a slightly thicker yarn for the spaceship & larger hook.
This was a really easy pattern to follow.
I had to change the terms slightly but that is just my preference for how I read patterns.
On the increase rows I prefer to know how many sc and then the increase.
This is a fun project that any child will enjoy playing with.
It is also an easy thing to make your own.
The only thing I would say about the pattern is if you want to stuff the arms or feet
don't finish off till you have done this. 
I would also not decrease on the feet until you have stuffed so that it is easier.

This is how mine turned out:


As you can see Little Red wanted buttons on the inside so it looked like a computer.
I didn't change the colours for the feet, 
as I was feeling lazy and I don't think he looks too bad all the same green.

The other pattern I used this week was


Ravelry Free Pattern Link:
& direct link to pattern on blog

This is a really easy pattern to follow.
I loved making it 
and it is going to make a fantastic pin cushion :-)
The pattern is clear and easy to follow.
The outcome I think is very cute:

Sorry about the bad picture but I still haven't got my dinning room table yet.
I'm going to use mine as a pin cushion :-)

I would also like to let you know about a fantastic giveaway
that I am taking part in:
The giveaway is worth over $800 & there are 21 prizes.

Now it's your turn.
Have you designed or followed a pattern
that you would like to promote
It doesn't have to be a free pattern.

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I am also linking up to:




  1. Enjoy my free scarflette pattern!


  2. A chrocheting friend of mine will love these so I have pointed her in this direction!

    I was no good at crocheting (or knitting) when I was younger... Maybe I should have another try.

    1. I hope you both enjoy the blog!

      I couldn't knit or crochet up until last year. Then I found you tube and the videos on there. I learnt by stopping and rewinding and following at my own speed. It was fantastic.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue