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Monday 14 May 2012

Review Monday Week 8

I hope you are having a good start to the week!
And I hope everyone that had mothers day yesterday
had a fantastic day!

Little Red is off to visit Skipton Castle today with school.
He is so excited!

I've got a lovely throat infection so am
trying just to rest and get back to a place where I can feel like I can cope.
I'm still in the middle of my crash at the moment
so getting ill really hits me hard.
I'm having to sleep downstairs as I keep 
waking up choking and having an asthma attack.
I prop myself up on loads of pillows but end
up moving down the bed off them in my sleep.
If I'm on the couch I have to stay propped up.
It also isn't nice for hubby if I keep waking him up.

Don't forget if you know anyone
who loves crochet
& has a facebook account
let them know about the crochet addict group.
We only need 9 more members to be able to start the giveaway!
You will not believe the fantastic prizes that there are!

For this weeks review I have something
that I bought to do with Little Red. 
It's a Wooden little loom
I bought mine from ebay 
but you can get equivalents from other shops.

This is only a small loom and designed for children.
I wanted to get something that Little Red would be able to join in with.

With the kit you get 5 small balls of yarn (the red wasn't supplied)
the loom (10.1" by 7.9")
a comb
a shuttle stick
and a plastic needle.
I set up the loom but it isn't too difficult.
Little Red found it really easy to use and was doing it himself
after only being shown once.
I would of preferred to get two shuttles as we had to unwind the yarn
to put another colour on.
The instructions supplied are clear but I don't think they are easy
enough for a child to understand.
Within a couple of minutes we were making something.
As you can see Little Red hasn't finished his first project.
He is only 5 and his attention span isn't quite that good.
I would recommend getting a small loom
for a young child as it makes them feel that
they can make something like mummy does.
I wouldn't of got it any earlier for Ryan as I don't find boys
have as long an attention span as girls.
We are eventually going to make it into a bag.
it make take us the next six months but we will get there.

I have just started reading
The Third Son by Elise Marion

I haven't read much yet but the story is set around
a Prince called Damien & fiery Gypsy girl, Esmeralda
I'll review it once I've finished reading it.
So far I love the story and it's twists and turns.

 Now it's your turn
have you reviewed anything that you would like to share?
Please feel free to link up.
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  1. Sue, I hope that your throat feels better soon. If your blood pressure is good, try popping a few salted pumpkin seeds in your mouth and slowly suck on them. It is kind of like gargling with salt water on the run. Please let me know if you have any questions with the pattern I sent you.

    1. Thanks ever so much for hat, I'll give it a go. Thanks for the pattern, it looks brilliant!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue