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Friday 25 May 2012

I've Made Friday Week 10

Good Morning Everyone
It's a beautiful Friday here in England
The sun is shinning and it's nice and warm.
It makes such a difference to everyone!
There are lots of smiling faces about 
and lots of children having fun.

My little man isn't well :-(
he has been up most of the night coughing
and he says he feels sick.
I think it's going to be a day curled up on the couch.
It's such a shame because we had a
really good weekend planned for him
and he is going to miss out.
If we are up to it we might make something together and cheer him up.

I've got one finish this week.
It's kind of a cheat.
When I finished the hat and tried it on
I really didn't suit it!
Hubby took one look and started laughing.
I love the yarn so I have since frogged it and have picked a different design to make.

Sorry the picture isn't good.
I was in a bit of rush to frog it.
I got the pattern from:


The pattern was easy to follow.
They did cheat at parts and just say carry on the increase for the next so many rows.
It did mean I had to write up part of the pattern myself.
I know it was so they could put more patterns and information in the
book but I prefer a pattern that is written out completely.
The pattern worked which is always a good sign for a book.
I do have some books that when I have come to make something the patterns are incorrect.
I love this book and am thinking of making a top and skirt from it as well.
It's the sort of book you don't even need to make anything from,
you can enjoy just looking through it for hours.

I have spent quite a bit of time last weekend and this week
The brain fuzz is slightly better so that I can read
so I have taken advantage of it.

The first book I read was
Jaguar Sun by Martha Bourke.
It's one of the books you can win in the giveaway.



The is about a group of normal teenagers.
They are going about their normal lives until Maya begins to change.
She becomes a "Shifter" and not even a normal "Shifter".
After her change her boyfriend and then her best friends change.
From then on their lives completely change and they have to fulfill their destiny. 
The question is once they have fulfilled their destiny is this the end?
I really enjoyed this book.  
The changes didn't happen too fast but I felt the solstice came too fast for me.
I also wanted the solstice to last a bit longer as I felt it ended too
quickly when there was so much that could of happened
I would recommend this book as a good read.
I give it a score of 4 out of 5.

The next book I read was 
Accidentally in Love with....... a God?


Now O.K. I had a preconceived idea about this book.
I thought paranormal romance - tacky.
How wrong could I be.
Emma has a mysterious voice that has lived with her.
This voice is of a male and he sounds ever so sexy.
Emma calls her voice Guy but he is very infuriating.
He tells her as little as possible.
To get rid of the "Voice"
she is going to have to travel to the jungles once ruled by the Mayans.
She manages to free him and he is everything she has ever dreamed he would be.
Now she needs to figure out what he is and
now she finds he has enemies that are now hers as well.
This story made my laugh, smile, angry and it even has steamy scenes as well.
Don't believe your preconceived ideas, give this book a chance
as it's a really good read.
I really enjoyed reading it and loved how the story progressed.
The book is fantastically humorous whilst still keeping
to the story.
Well worth reading.
5 out of 5

The question this week is:
Blogging Question: How do you handle the writing of a negative review?
To be honest I don't enjoy writing a negative review
but I am always truthful!
I have written a negative review in the past.
I didn't enjoy it but I have to be honest.
I would hate to think I've lied about what I thought about the book.
I always try to write constructively  so that
if the author does read it then they know why I came to that conclusion.

The questions for friendship Friday are:
What’s the best (or worst) advice you’ve ever been given?
What’s one piece of advice would you like to share with others?
Who can you always count on to give you sound advice?

The best is to be myself.
Try and be honest! making everything sugar coated doesn't always work.
My friends especially my best friend Melissa from Lazy Daisy Crochet.

Now it's your turn:
What have you been making this week
& what have you read this week?

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I'm also linking up with:


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway:

Day One Day Two


  1. Hope your little man feels better soon :-)

    1. Thank you ever so much! He'll be fine, I knew it was coming. Another child in his class was sick on his bag as he went in the other day. They cleaned it up but Little Red had already caught the bug.

  2. I keep looking at patterns with a brim but never find one that is just right...I agree, you should frog it if your aren't happy with it.

    1. It's true that there are a lot of hats with brims that don't suit a lot of people. I've found a cap type one that I might try instead. I love cloches but I am trying not to make another one ;-). I know a friend that gives hers to charity, which I think is a fantastic idea but I loved the yarn too much and really want a hat made with it.

  3. It's not a cheat - you finished it, didn't you? I've yet to find a hat that actually suits me, so I usually don't knit them except watch caps for charity.

    As for negative reviews, I think the important thing is to be honest without being mean-spirited. Constructive criticism can be very helpful, particularly if it leads to improving something. When you publish something it isn't realistic to expect that everyone will love everything about it, is it?

    I've benefitted from a lot of good advice in my time. The golden rule .. do unto others as you would have them do unto you ... is a good start.

    1. Wow fantastic advice.

      I never used to wear hats but I’ve found a few crochet patterns where you can alter the look of them by turning them up at one side etc and so far I think they look alright. I also love newsboy hats. I’m just getting used to wearing slouchy hats but I prefer the original newsboy design.

  4. I've never had a negative review... yet. The day I do, I will take it as a reminder to check what I'm doing, if it's done properly or does it need changing, etc...

    As for the worst advice: "Shake it off, it's all in your head" re: fibromyalgia

    As for the best advice: "Take it one day at a time" re: caring for my newborn severely disabled son 26 years ago.

    As for what I'd tell someone: That's difficult because it depends on the situation. But as a general piece of advice I'd give.... "Be true to yourself, you have to live with you" and this one "Live your life to the best of your abilities"

    As for who I turn to for good advice: I have 3 people I can count on to make sense of things in my head, my darling husband, and 2 of the best friends I could have ever asked for :) Sue & Samm hmmm... interesting they both begin with S :D

    I have made so many things along the way that have ended up either frogged or in the donation box I've stopped counting. I usually chalk those up to gaining experience or learning a new technique, stitch, how not to write a pattern, etc... I've also found that if it's a book and there appears to be errors, I go online to see if there is an errata. If not, I check Ravelry to see if the designer can be found there and send a PM to double check the directions. I've actually tried patterns, found an error, wrote the designer who was shocked that no one had caught the error since the pattern had been published for several years already. Was thankful that it had been found and the correction was made in the form of a published errata. Pretty cool :)

    I've seen a lot of patterns who tell you to continue in pattern for x rows. Depending what the pattern is, it usually works, but I have had times where continuing in pattern didn't work and there is no guidance available anywhere. That's when a project gets frogged and that particular designer/publisher gets a black mark. Next time I see one of their books, I usually will take a much closer look at pattern directions to see if they make sense before I'll spend my money.

    I just got my new reading glasses this week so haven't read an actual book in a while. But the one I'm planning on reading very soon is called "Odd Girl Out; the hidden culture of aggression in girls" by Rachel Simmons. It's an amazing book that explains why girls behave the way they do and how society has conditioned them to be this way. The strength of this book is that it illustrates the experience of female bullying in a personal manner, with girls sharing their stories in their own words. I recognized many of the situations as being the same as the ones I was involved in as a child. I was the favourite mark for many a bully while I was in school. I would recommend this book to anyone who has school age daughters as a tool to help them get through those rough years and perhaps break the bullying mould.

    As for what I've been working on this week. A test knit of a scarf for another designer. It's almost done and I'm really loving it. Unfortunately, I can't say what it is but I'm sure the pattern will hit Ravelry sooner than later. :)

  5. Sorry you had to frog and start over. Is the hat shaped like a ball cap?

    1. It's puffy almost mushroom shaped on top and then it has a straight out brim.

  6. I have a yarn right now I am working with for a hat. started out as a scarf. I have now tried two different hat patterns with it...and just have not found the right one yet. Here is to hoping you find one soon! :)

  7. New follower from FFF. I really like the hat and the color. Hope you have a great Memorial Day!

    1. Thank you and welcome. I hope you enjoy the blog.

  8. I hope your little one is feeling better by now. I'm perplexed by the hat...was it supposed to be a bonnet style?

    1. Thank you he is much better. The hat was more cloche styled but with a brim that went out.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue