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Wednesday 18 April 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 4

Wow I just can't believe how quick this month is going!

I hope your week so far has been good.

This week has been a lot of ups and downs.
There are some stressful things going on at the moment.
I can't tell you about them but hopefully
once everything is sorted I'll be able to give you more details.
Kidney infection is still grumbling but once
I get my test results back I'll be able
to start a new course of medication.

Little Red is back at school!
He really needed to be.
I do as much as I can with him but he was ready to go back.
He has joined the school craft club
so I'll hopefully have some pictures
of what he has been making for you.

This week I've been making an owl
I bought the Nelson owl pattern
I'm really enjoying the pattern but I can only crochet
this pattern when my brain cells are working:

And a surprise:

I'm hoping if the pattern works
that I am designing
I may have a new free pattern for you :-)
It doesn't look right at the moment but I think it's going to work.
I was inspired by the mindless scarf.
I just love the stitch.

I haven't had chance to work on my African Blanket this week
but I'll hopefully get some done for next week.

This week I am reading
Silver Knight by Caron Rider

So far it's quite good.
I am really enjoying the main character
Diana & how all the other characters are
being brought into the story.

Now it's your turn to see what other people or making
& to show off what you are making:

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  1. Kidney fun! I hope you get your medication to work on that soon...And I really like the colors in the owl pattern. I'll be looking forward to seeing it finished.

    1. Thank you ever so much! I'm sure it will get sorted.
      Thanks ever so much, I am really looking forward to seeing what it looks like.

  2. Not sure if I did it right or not, I havent linked up here before :P It's not crochet, but its what Ive been working on!
    Ive been working on my Summer 2012 jewelry collection, I just went to the Rock & Gem show this weekend and came home with a bunch of beautiful new beads and stones!

    1. The link is all set-up perfectly. You are welcome to link up anything you are making! We just love to see what everyone else is up to.
      Your jewelry is beautiful.

  3. Sorry to hear about the kidney infection, hope you are on the mend? Look forward to seeing the surprise WIP done!
    Thanks for hosting :-D

  4. I am still gradually working to finish those Japanese flowers

    1. They are beautiful. I love the colours you are using!

  5. Oh I do hope you're better soon.

    I know what you mean about school - my Boy was totally ready to go back this week as well. He had a lot of fun at home with his sister but 5 year old boys need to be kept busy - mentally as well as physically, and to be with their peers as well.

    Looking forward to your FOs!

  6. I love the way your blog links with all the other blog goings on. Ps I got your comment on my blog, I'm so suprised, and grateful. Thank you so much. x x x

    1. You are more than welcome. Thank you ever so much. I love to craft & crochet so wanted to join up with as many people as possible. I love more people joining in as it makes it more interesting.

  7. Oh, a new pattern! That's very exciting. Fingers crossed it works as you hope it to!

    1. Thanks ever so much, once it gets a bit longer I should be able to tell. I am so excited by it.

  8. Sorry things are a bit stressful at the moment :S Sounds like Little Red has got a good school there though - craft club? Cool!

    Looking forward to seeing the new pattern :)

    1. Thanks ever so much! Oh they do all sorts at his club. The woman who runs brownies has arranged for the craft club. They do football, jujitsu, gymnastics, choir, (for the girls they have netball) and as they get into the older years the boys have rugby as well I think. They have 60 children in every year which is a lot for a primary & junior school. It means they can afford to run a few more programs. We have to pay towards it but it's worth it.

  9. I just had a look at Nelson the Owl on Ravelry and what an amazing pattern! I love your colour choices so far; he's going to be wonderful!

    1. Thank you ever so much. I know I've been looking at the pattern for ages and just couldn't resist. I'll hopefully get him finished today :-)

  10. I'm noticing several that mention the WIP crafts as well as a book they are reading. Which blog linky hop is this for? I'm always supposed to be reading a book.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue