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Tuesday 3 April 2012

Tuesday's Patterns Week 3

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Tuesday's Patterns


This week has been a good week for my brain.
2 weeks in a row, not bad.
I'm still suffering from a nasal infection & it feels like it's 
spread to my sinuses.
the doctor thinks this is going to be the virus
that starts up every time I get stressed or run down.
I'm going to be treating it for the next couple of months
so hopefully that will clear it.
I was up most of Sunday night with the pain so could do with it clearing.
I am finding with this crash that the ups and downs can
change on an hourly basis as well as a daily basis.

Little Red is off school for 2 weeks for Easter.
We aren't able to go out anywhere as I'm not up to it
so we are planning on doing some fun things together in the home.
I've invited a few of his friends to come and play
but Easter is so busy I don't know whether or not any of them will make it.

Anyway I've waffled enough.
As you know I finished my latest Dragon hat last week.
I've managed to get a few pictures
of Little Red wearing it.

I have followed a fantastic pattern this weekend.
It makes such a difference with the house being quiet.
My brain gets chance to think rather than trying to process the noise.
I made a hat I won from Sarah N Dipities

This is Sarah's picture of the hat (much better than mine)

And this is my version of it:

If it had a head in it then it would look the same.
You also get a pattern for a flower to add but I decide not to add a flower to this one.
The pattern was really easy to follow.
I think most beginners would be able to follow this pattern as only really uses sl, sc, hdc & dc
I really enjoyed making this hat and would make another one.

I have also followed a pattern for needle felting in 
Wool Pets by Laurie Sharp.

Now you aren't allowed to laugh!
I followed the instructions (mostly without reading)
& I didn't read the instruction at the start that gave you the basics.
I now know why it's better to read all the instructions first.
This is how my owl turned out:

I would recommend this book if you are wanting to make 3-D
felted animals.
My one big recommendation would be to read the instructions at the start
before trying to make one of the animals.
Little Red likes him which is the main thing.

Remember if you are looking for a pattern
There is a 50% at 22 Threads:
All funds are going to her sisters family,
as her brother-in-law has suffered a stroke whilst working away from home.
There is also a donate button on Hillery's website.

I tried this pattern this week as well.
confession time.
I used a different weight of yarn.
At first I got a bit confused by the terms but
once I got my head round the pattern 
I found it quite an easy to follow.
To be honest I used aaran wright yarn and didn't add anymore
rows to make it slouchy.
I really like the outcome.

Sorry it's not a good picture.  
I've only just finished it.
It looks really good on.
I think I'll be wearing it today :-)

Now it's your turn.
Link to patterns you would like to recommend
As long as it's a pattern/instruction for something handmade you are welcome to link.
If you have a blog please add the button to your post so we can spread the word.


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  1. Great projects! I love the white beanie. And that little owl is just so cute :)


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue