Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready for the week ahead.
I can't believe it's April already!
This weekend has been very strange.
Little Red stayed at his Gran & Granddads
We dropped him off on Friday evening
and we didn't pick him up again till Sunday afternoon.
It's the longest he has been away
and part of me felt lost all weekend.
I'd got behind on reading my blogs
so Saturday was just a catch up day.
Hubby had to drop his brother off at the airport with his family.
Then on the Sunday he had to pick
his mum and her husband up from the airport.
If you are a crochet fan on facebook
please feel free to join my group:
we have over 5,000 members sharing
the love of crochet.
If you are a crochet fan on facebook
please feel free to join my group:
we have over 5,000 members sharing
the love of crochet.
If you are interested in buying some crochet patterns
at the moment please hop
over to 22 threads
Hillery is having a 50% sale and all funds are going to
her sisters family.
Her sisters husband had a stroke whilst working away.
as you can see from the pictures below
she has some beautiful patterns
\This week I would like to review the Kindle
I love my kindle.
I know they aren't for everyone but if you read they are invaluable.
The facts of why I love my kindle:
1) I can have a multitude of books on tap and ready for me to read
2) If I find a book I really want to read I can have it there ready
3) When I go on holiday I don't have to pack loads of books.
4) I can load pdfs onto my kindle so I can add patterns and take them everywhere with me.
5) The kindle is so light and fits in my bag.
6) Due to the way the screen shows the text it doesn't cause eye strain or set off my migraines
7) I have even bought a waterproof cover so I can read in the bath.
The cons:
1) It is in black and white so my 5 year old isn't interested in reading books on it.
2) Mine doesn't have 3G so I have to make sure I have enough books to keep me going
3) you have to be careful that you don't put anything heavy on top of the kindle.
When we went away my old kinde fell out of the bag in the boot and something fell on it.
The screen was ruined and hence the new kindle.
4) as there is no keyboard it can take a while to enter anything you want.
5) It takes time to organise your books if you have a lot of them.
6) I don't like putting instructional books like crochet books etc on the kindle
I prefer a hard copy as it's easier to open the page at what you want.
7) Although it shows you the percentage of how much you have read I would prefer to read how many pages I have read and how many pages there are in the book.
Things that are a + and a -
the weight is 170 grams - I have mine in a cover so it feels heavier.
I cannot get used to holding something so light.
Up to 1,400 books or 2GB internal (approximately 1.25GB available for user content) -
you have to read a lot to be able to get through that amount of books!
When I got my first kindle I went on a mission and downloaded hundreds of free
books. I haven't even dented the amount I downloaded.
I use calibre to convert any other types of books I buy so that I can read them on my kindle.
Do you use any other programs to get your books onto your kindle.
The kindle does allow you to go onto websites but to be honest I prefer to use my kindle
just for reading books.
I am upset that amazon hasn't released the Kindle Fire in the UK yet.
I'm really interested in buying one for my son.
He doesn't like the Kindle as it's in black and white.
We love books and he has 3 bookcases full of them.
I would prefer something like the Kindle Fire as it doesn't take as much space.
Exciting news everyone.
I won a giveaway at sewmantra
& the prize was to be featured this month.
Go over and check me out:
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I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue