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Wednesday 1 February 2012

WIP Wednesday (and maybe another giveaway)

Welcome everyone to WIP Wednesday
As you know I haven't been very well
this afternoon is the first time I've managed to watch
a bit of t.v. without the noise tiring me out too much
Don't worry about it, I'll over come it and
in the meantime I've joined in a whole
load of giveaways so there might be some pretty things coming my way.

I haven't managed much crocheting but in some ways it's been nice to take
a break.  Now I've got so many ideas going round my head.

I'm currently having a sale at my shop.
15% discount on my buy now items (prices already reduced)
& a special price of £3 P&P for international buyers

I am also offering the lower international P&P to my valentines items

Now for my WIPs
there is just my blanket
The picture isn't fantastic but it is getting bigger

it's coming on slowly and nicely

Go over to Tami's for more fantastic WIPs!

I also found another cute giveaway.
It's a doll that you make your own once you receive it:


  1. Oooo! I love the work in project blanket...circles! I know how much work, and how satisfying a project made out of individual circles can be! :-) It's very pretty...I hope you get to feeling better soon too. I also know how that not be all you want to be health-wise. Just stay positive and be patient with yourself. That's what I do. :-)

  2. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Maybe some quiet crocheting is in order! :)
    -Sarah from Create Studio

  3. Oh and that blanket is amazing!!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue