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Wednesday 15 February 2012

WIP Wednesday 15/02/12

Good Afternoon everyone!

I hope you are having a good day!

I managed to have a panic attack in my sleep last night. Interesting?
I was aware I was dreaming, I thought there was someone
in the house but I was paralysed.
I couldn't move and the worst was no matter how hard I tried I couldn't scream.
I new D my hubby was next to me but I couldn't do 
anything to get his attention.
It was at this point I woke up.
I was paralysed in my arms, hands, legs and feet.
I had a really bad pins and needles attack so unable to move them.
It is what probably set the dream off.
My heart was racing and I was in a lot of pain
so decided to see if I could move.
I ended up downstairs to give hubby some peace.
Is there a good or bad dream that you have?
I have this one and the other one is a snake is going
to bite a family member.
This is thanks to my mum who took me to the snake park,
in Johannesburg, most days.

Anyway just woken up from a long afternoon sleep - I admitted defeat.
I don't often sleep during the day. I was advised by my doctor that
this can make things worse. 
I always make sure I get up, get dressed everyday,
even if that's all I manage.

Anyway onto the more happy cheerful stuff
I haven't got a latest picture of my blanket
I'm going to save that till next week.
I've put the border on a number of the pieces but
I want them added to the blanket before I show you it again.

I do have another WIP.
I treated myself to a magazine.  I know I said I wasn't.
It came with some wool and my son really liked it.
He asked me to make it into a blanket so I thought
I would make my first granny blanket.

Here is how it is going so far:

I like the colours, the blue is my favorite.
I think it's going to be the colour I add to the living room.
I'm thinking the cream and maybe a baby blue or duck egg blue
would be soft enough and bring something else to the room.
I'll be posting about my ideas for the living room 
in the next couple of days.

I'm still reading the same book but I also started one on my kindle.
I know I admit it I have a kindle.
I have a book because I love reading in the bath 
but if I'm up to it I also read on my kindle.
I also use my kindle for patterns.
It's easy to take with me and can have my patterns on it in pdf format.
It means where ever I go I don't have to worry about not having my patterns with me.
I started reading;
Kiss & Die by Lee Weeks.
I normally love his books and I am enjoying most of the book
but this time it's a bit too gory and nasty.
The description of the torture is a bit too much for me.
I've found I'm even skipping bits.
This isn't like me, I love a good murder but I think
this one has just gone a bit too far.

I am also in the middle of reading
Wish by Alexandra Bullen
The complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

I think I need to start treating my books like my WIPs :-)

Don't forget to hop on over and look at some other peoples wonderful work!


  1. I dont sleep well most nights. It's painful.

    Loving the colours youve chosen for your blanket. Very snuggly.

  2. I'm hit and miss, depends on how bad the CFS is and how much medication I take. Hope the pain eases!

    Thanks I'm really into the blue.

  3. I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas from one of my sons, and have been reading all the free crazy murder mystery books offered. I do reserve a real book for the bath, though. This week it's Jean and Johnny, a childhood favorite, because of Valentines Day. An odd mixture to be sure!

  4. Very pretty colors in your granny blanket. Sorry to hear you had such a time of it.

  5. Thank you Sandy, I'm trying to brighten up our house! Thank you for your kind words.
    Jeanne - nothing like a good murder :-). So glad someone else enjoys a bath book as much as I do :-)

  6. Love the colors. They remind me of spring. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Kristine thanks ever so much. Thanks for your lovely comments


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue