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Sunday 26 February 2012

Sunday house update

Little Red went to Granny & Grandad's
yesterday for the day and a sleep over
As I didn't have him in tow I thought I would go on my first outing since my CFS crash
OK it wasn't a complete hit, a lot of pain for the day and
up most of the night and not even my strongest pain meds helped.

Oh well it was successful in the fact that my ideas for the living room are coming together:

the pictures aren't the best but we are using green as our brighten up colour

We got a throw which is the perfect colour

the wallpaper

and 2 cushions that are just perfect.
The rug is ordered.

Now all I need is hubby to do the hard work and I am sure it will look great.

Don't forget to check out all the giveaways
that have been added today:


  1. Love the blog. I gave you a Liebster award on my blog today.

  2. The puppy is so stinkin' cute. I wanted to invite you to join in on the bloglovin' blog hop that I am hosting over at I'd love if you stopped by and joined.

  3. Hi Susan, I noticed you stopped by my blog/website and are my newest follower! I just wanted to say thank you for your support!!!! Im your newest follower too :-D

  4. Ladylike - thank you ever so much!!!!
    Jenny - I'm coming over to join in :-)
    J.Leonard welcome I hope you enjoy the blog.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue