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Tuesday 7 February 2012


This post is just a few of my thoughts 
if you don't want to read I don't mind.

Someone said to me yesterday that
I should be careful crocheting
when I asked why they said
"if I can do crochety stuff do I not think I can work"
This got me thinking about what people perceive when you put something on the internet.

I am signed off sick at the moment as my CFS is really bad.
At the moment I struggle to get up and get dressed.
I struggle to watch t.v. as the noise makes me tired.
I do watch about 1/2 hr - 1 hr but then it gets switched off.
Yes I do go on the computer but what people can't see is the fact I can only do a little bit,
stop, rest and then do a little bit more.  I only manage to post with the use of spell checker and reading it through because there are so many mistakes.

I tried to clean the ash out the fire and cut my hand open (co-ordination is altered by CFS)
I struggle holding a conversation as I am forgetting words or not saying the right word.
I have a hospital appointment on Thursday and I haven't got a clue how I am going to manage it.
This isn't about sympathy there is no need for it!
I have this disease and I'm living with it but I don't have it as bad as other people.

Due to the internet now people take things you say and do and can use it against you.
Does that scare me YES!
If I wrote this in a book no one would say anything
Whilst I've been ill I have managed one pair of fingerless gloves that took less than 2 hours.
Yes I do make some of the things I make available for sale but that is only
because I want to buy more yarn and need the funding for it.
I still make the things whether they sell or not.

Crocheting is my hobby that benefits my health
Blogging is lifeline as CFS is very isolating.
If crocheting was a tablet no one would think anything about it.

I really mean when I say I'm not writing this for sympathy.
I am writing this because before you judge someone on
what you think you see it might be better to find out the full facts first.


  1. I wouldn't concern myself so much with what OTHER people think of you, or of what you do. YOU have to live with YOU! And YOU know what you're doing or not doing! You'll drive yourself crazy trying to assess yourself according to other people's measuring stick...Focus on being as well as you can. OTHER people will take care of OTHER people! :-]

  2. Exactly what the previous poster said. Crochet is healing on many different levels and CFS is real and for those who don't suffer from it, it is difficult for them to understand.
    I enjoy your blog not only because it is about crochet :) but because you write candidly about your disorder and how you are dealing with it. More people need to know.

  3. Thank you! I can usually brush it all off and usually ignore what people say but I am worried about work and the future at the moment. Turns out because I was using my leave instead of going off sick it is now going to count against me :-(
    I try really hard to do the right thing and now it's all the wrong thing!


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue