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Monday 20 February 2012

Monday 1st day of the holidays

Good Morning everyone (or afternoon, or evening, or night)

Today is the first day of Little Red's half term
He wasn't well over the weekend.
Just a stomach bug nothing serious.
It did mean he didn't to go to a birthday party or go and stay at his Granny & Granddads.
To cheer him up and use some of his Christmas money we decided to buy him:
We bought it for the wii as we already have one 
and it would give him something to play over the holidays as well.
Problem one - if he gets stuck he then wants mummy and daddy to play it whilst he watches.
Second big problem - daddy is addicted to the game!
Third big problem - you can't play parts of the game unless you have other characters - which cost quite a bit each.
I will say this for the games developers they are very clever!  
It is a fantastic way to make money.

We didn't get up to much this weekend.
a) I'm not fit to do much
b) Ryan was ill so needed to look after him.

I did have the table set-up to do our first crafting today with
an idea of my own.
I was so excited but Little Red says he doesn't want to do that yet he wants to play.
Oh well as soon as he's in the mood we'll give it a go and post some pictures.

I did have a fantastic weekend of giveaways
I won not 1, not 2 but 5 giveaways

First I want to show you a picture of my shawl pin that arrived:

Doesn't it look beautiful on the shawl I made :-)
The giveaway was held by:
& the giveaway is from 
go and take a look at her designs they are beautiful!

Next I won a personalized book for Little Red

This is the book we choose for Little Red
the giveaway was held by:
& supplied by:
Little Red loves it and can't believe his name is in a book.
We've downloaded it to my mobile as he wants to show everyone!

The next one I can't wait till it arrives, I've already got some projects in mind:
It's a sharp crochet hook :-)
The giveaway was held by:
supplied by:

The next prize I am really excited about and already have someone I want to make one for:
We are due to have a new Nephew in March so I'm
going to make him one of these.
Melissa is a fantastic crochet designer and I am so please at winning her pattern:
Take a look at the patterns in her Etsy Shop

I also won:
this is going to be keeping me lovely and warm!
Isn't it beautiful!
It is made and given away by:

Last and not at all least:

An adorable print
giveaway held at:
and the wonderful print was from:
go and see her other wonderful work.
she also has an etsy shop:

Aren't I just so lucky!
Why don't you try your luck and see if you can win some of the giveaways
on my giveaway page:

Also check out:


  1. i am so happy for you.ope you good. I am officially jealous (in a good way)of all your them

  2. I am so happy you won the ebook and that your son loves it. :)

    Thanks for being a reader of Crystal & Co.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue