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Friday 6 January 2012

FO Friday 06/01/12

Confession time - I don't have any FO's to show this week.  I have finished one item off but haven't had chance to photograph it yet.

I made my son a bag for his marbles.  He wanted it as soon as he saw it so I haven't had chance to take a photo of it yet.

This week has been really busy so I haven't had much chance to crochet.  My husband went into hospital for an explority operation.  Luckily everything is fine so I can stop stressing now.  The nhs paid for him to go private and it was like another world!  He got taken to his own on suite room with t.v. and electronic bed with room service.  I stayed in the room whilst he went for his op and then 2 hours after the op he was allowed home. He got fresh sandwiches made for him once he came round with a lovely salad and pot of coffee. 

My mum and dad had little Red overnight so that I could look after hubby.  I went and picked him up and then we went to see an old school friend.  She has 3 wonderful children and little red really enjoyed playing with all their toys.

It was swimming this evening and then my brother came round to borrow our roof box.

I have lots of ideas for this year and can't wait to get the time to make them all.  I hope you'll all join me for the fun.  If there is an animal hat you would really like to see being made just let me know as I am planning on trying to make as many different animals as I can.

I may not have any FO's this week but please click on the link to take at look at some that have :-)


  1. Nice to meet you via FO Fridays. Looking forward to many more with you in 2012.

  2. Thank you, I'll hopefully have some good FO's this week :-)

  3. Cant wait to see some of your finished objects for 2012! :)


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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue