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Friday 11 November 2011

FO Friday 11/11/11

It's Fo Friday which always cheers me up :-)

I haven't done a lot this week as both me and my son have been ill.  It was my husbands birthday on Wednesday and we were meant to be going out for dinner, instead we had Ryan for the day.  It wasn't quite the birthday we had planned but it was nice to all spend the day together.

Ryan is still full of cold but seems a lot better in himself today.  He still isn't really eating but I'm sure he is on the up now.  As I haven't been able to do much I haven't finished a few of my WIPs off but I've got a few things to show you:

A dinosaur hat
These hats look great on :-)

i can't get it to view the right way (sorry) but this is a mustache.  One of the departments at work is joining in Movember.  It's a charity that trys to bring mens health issues to the forefront and invest in research to help cure them.  The idea is men grow a mustache for money for the month of November.  The department is mainly made up of men but one of the women wanted to join in, hence me making her a mustache.  The link is below if you want to take a look:

I got the free pattern from:-
I hope they like that I made it for a charity event.
As my son is at home he was there when I made the mustache so wanted one for himself:-

He has also knicked my rocking chair.  I'll let him this once as he isn't feeling well.  He wanted it moving infront of the t.v. so he could watch transformers and by the fire to keep him warm.  I think he looks too comfy!

This is my favorite chair in the world.  When my granny and grandad were moving into a smaller house they decided to sell/give some furniture away.  I had grown up visiting my grandparents and spending hours rocking on this chair.  When I heard they weren't having them anymore I asked if I could have one.  It's the best decision I ever made.  My grandad has since passed away and I love rocking in his chair thinking about him whilst I crochet.  He was a great crafter and I hope I've got some of that from him.  He used to make 3-d pictures and was world renowned for his work.   His best work was anton peck pictures, they look fantastic.  I have a couple of them and love looking at them but his best one is the toy shop which my mum has.  If you ever find one of his pictures his sticker is on the back and he used ASH which was his inititals.

 It isn't a very good picture I've taken and it doesn't show all the 3-d and shaping work in it but it gives you an idea.

I have been thinking more about my grandad today with it being Rememberance day.  I would like to thank all those who put their lives on the line so we can live the life we have.  My grandad spent most of world war II as a prisoner.  Whilst as a prisoner they worked in a turnip factory.  If you didn't keep up with the work you were beaten and if you still didn't keep up you were killed.  My grandad was quite strong and picked things up quickly.  He realised if you worked the machines too hard they would block up and the machines would stop working.  His captors thought he was wonderful cause he would work so hard.  What they didn't realise was him and his colleagues were blocking up the maching so the ones who weren't well could rest for a while.  He never wanted recognition for what he did, he didn't like talking about it.  As it was near the end of the war they were all marched to germany (he was captured in north africa) and most died before they made it.  His camp was one of the last ones to be released so it was a long war for him.  I would like to thank him and many other men like him that have meant I can lead this life, free to crochet and free to live my life the way I want to.

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!

Just click on Tami's button at the top if you want to read other FOs as well :-)


  1. Love the idea of being able to join in Movember with a knitted/crocheted moustache!

    The dinosaur hat looks awesome - might make myself one of those ;)

  2. Your FOs are so cute, and your grandfather's work looks amazing! I hope you feel better.

  3. I love your stories about your Grandfather and his work is quite amazing.

  4. love that dino hat! so cute. i also love that mustache pattern, i made one in sparkly green yarn awhile back. i stuffed it & was going to make a keychain out of it. :)

  5. Thank you everyone. My grandads work was amazing. it's a shame I haven't got a picture of his best work. He made a town scene where there is a procession from the port up through the town to a castle. Everything in it is shaped and 3-d'd it looks fantastic. It has been in the sun so no longer looks as good as it did.
    i used to love getting my birthday and christmas cards off him as I knew he would make one especially for me. i think quite a lot of children today don't appreciate the things that really matter in the world. It doesn't matter what something costs it's the love that goes into it.

    I must admit the dinosaur hat is one of my more popular designs. That and the penguin and my mad red bird ;-)

    i think my friend was a bit shocked at the size of it, she thought it would be tiny but when I showed her the rest of the pictures she realised that was what it was supposed to be like. my son loves his but with his cold he can't wear it much at the moment.

    I've got a couple of orders to make, one being from my husband, who is the worst type of customer. he is so picky I know the first one won't be good enough for him :-). once they are finished I'm going to finish my other WIPs off and then i'll be back on track.

  6. Your Grandad's pictures are pretty cool!

    The dinosaur hat is great, I can see why it is popular...

    The mustache is fun, one of the groups in Nerd Wars on Rav just made a bunch of moustache fingers...

  7. Thank you for sharing your grandad's artwork and story. His pictures are so amazing. Love the cute Dino hat and mustache.

  8. LOVE the dinosaur hat. I wish my son still was into dinos because that is too cute.


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Thanks Sue